Deb writes – I’m 56 and still having pore issues; white and black heads, the occasional small pimple. I’ve been using a Clarisonic using their mild cleaner for over a 12 months but I don’t see any real change. Unfortunately Deb, its a myth that pores and skin gets better after your teenagers. Many adults of all ages find themselves with the very same problem you are facing right now and do not know very well what to do about any of it either.
The most important thing you can do to assist in preventing break outs is to purify, tone, and moisturize that person each morning and night. You say you’ve been utilizing a cleanser for over a year without results. I would like one to change your products. If its not assisting then it is obviously not right for you.
- People will stare make it worth their while
- Increasing fibroblast production, which helps produce collagen and other tissue fibers
- Do you wear the same style everyday, or do you change it
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration. “FDA Recall Policy for Makeup products.”
- Blood storage and
- Straightening or Curling
You said you are using a mild cleanser, if your skin layer is sensitive, that is great, find a cleanser for sensitive pores and skin. However, if your skin is not sensitive then get a normal cleanser meant for your skin type (oily, normal, or dry). Sensitive skin cleansers may not be effective for everyone because they’re so gentle they just may not clean well enough. Additionally you don’t mention if you use a toner every day. Toners are extremely important and underused highly. When you cleanse your face the pH is transformed by you of your skin. Your skin layer wants to return to its normal pH so will respond by causing itself more dry or oily.
If your skin layer becomes more greasy then your moisturizer just sits on that layer of surplus essential oil and doesn’t penetrate. This can cause you to frequently use more. If your skin becomes more dry it’ll actually need more moisture and your daily moisturizer will not be enough. This may cause dry epidermis and more blackheads because dry skin doesn’t slough off like its supposed to therefore the dead epidermis cells loaf around blocking pores, leading to blackhead outbreaks. When you select a new skin care collection I recommend using the cleanser, toner, and moisturizer from the same brand. Companies design their products to work together and you will typically be more happy with the results if you are using coordinating products.
To jump start your brand-new skin care regimen I would recommend a facial with extractions. Your Aesthetician can remove the blackheads and whiteheads and present your epidermis a good deep cleaning. She/he can also recommend a skin care line for your skin layer type if you aren’t sure what you should be using. If you can’t afford a cosmetic at this time, or if you want more exfoliation than just one facial can provide you may want to look into a glycolic acid peel.
I recommend going to a location like Sally’s Beauty Supply to understand this. The people there must be more proficient in their products than the average indivdual working at a drugstore makeup counter. Typically the peels can be purchased in 10%, 20%, and 30% formulas. If your skin layer is sensitive try the 10% peel first, if not try the 20%. I don’t recommend using the 30% until you’ve used the 20% and know how your skin reacts.