Integrated Investment Strategies, Inc

What is your financial strategy? Do you have a strategy, or are you doing what everyone else seems to be doing? Are you buying investments because they fit with your strategy, or are you just responding to recent events? Advisors at Integrated Investment Strategies spend considerable time learning you and your investment objectives, investment time frame as well as your risk tolerance.

We utilize academic principles of trading to attain and protect the long-term purchasing power for our clients. As advisors whose primary goal is to help you live and confidently in pension comfortably, we will work with you to meet the difficulties of financial decision making by creating a long-term financial profile that extends through retirement. Expert advice can make the difference.

Two separate contracts exist. If the individual lend to the company without the help of the intermediary, he then has a direct state. 2. The Insightful Management Company offers financial advice to investors. This is actually the only service provided by the company. Is this ongoing company a financial intermediary? Strictly speaking, the Insightful Management Company is not just a financial intermediary, because it lacks the function of deposit creating and taking liabilities.

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3. Explain how a financial intermediary reduces the price of contracting and information control. Financial intermediaries can reduce the expense of contracting by its professional personnel because investing money is their normal business. The use of such knowledge and economies of range in contracting about financial possessions benefits both intermediary as well as the borrower of money.

Risk can be reduced through diversification and taking advantage of fund expertise. 4. “All financial intermediaries provide the same financial functions. Therefore, the same investment strategy should be used in the management of most financial intermediaries.” Indicate if you recognize or disagree with this statement. Disagree. Although each financial intermediary pretty much provides the same economic functions, each has a different asset-liability management problem. Therefore, same investment strategy won’t work. 5. A bank or investment company issues an responsibility to depositors where it agrees to pay 8% assured for one season.

With the money it obtains, the bank can spend money on a wide range of financial assets. What is the risk if the lender uses the money to invest in common stock? Practically, it is not a valid statement as banks aren’t allowed to hold stocks. A financing is got by The lender risk.

On the responsibility side, amount of cash outlay and timing are known with certainty (Type I). However, on the asset side, both factors are unfamiliar. Thus, there is certainly liquidity risk and price risk. 6. Take a look at Table 2-1 again. Variable rate certificates of deposit: times of payments are certain, the quantities aren’t, which is Type II liability.