Green Tea Extract: BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS For Energy, Weight Loss And More

Is the ‘ECGC’ in your energy drink really helping you? Read the label on any energy drink or shot, and you’ll likely find some mixture of caffeine, teas, high-dose herbs and vitamins. Is teas – promoted as a natural energy booster in your drink – a sensible way to fight fatigue? “The brief answer is no. You can find improved ways to boost your energy,” says integrative medicine specialist Irina Todorov, MD.

Made from dried green tea leaves, green tea extract contains caffeine as well as plant compounds called catechins, including epigallocatechins-3-gallate (EGCG). While catechins have strong antioxidant potential, you don’t understand how many milligrams you’re consuming because drink and food manufacturers don’t have to list the levels of teas or EGCG on brands, she says. Think about green tea extract extract’s other benefits?

Studies of green tea extract extract’s effect on athletic performance have been inconclusive. “But enjoying a cup of green tea extract after a workout is a superb way to hydrate, and weight the body with antioxidants and nutrients,” provides Dr. Todorov. And research on green tea herb for weight reduction has found it offers minimal, if any, effect. “In my opinion, patients can achieve the same amount of weight reduction with lifestyle changes, and avoid the risk of side effects and the price of supplements,” says Dr. Todorov.

However, drinking green tea itself is associated with a lesser threat of coronary artery disease. A meta-analysis found that consuming green tea or teas with 150 to 2500 milligrams of catechins daily improved patients’ cholesterol profiles. Dr. Todorov also provides green tea a thumbs up for pores and skin health because of its antioxidant properties. Rather than relying on energy beverages – accountable for a rising incidence of caffeine toxicity among children – to avoid fatigue, try these pointers from Dr. Todorov: Have a brisk, 15-tiny walk.

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One study found a brisk walk reduced chocolate cravings and the amount of attention centered on snack foods. Relax by sitting mindfully for ten minutes. Or try taking a billed power nap. Snack on something nutritious. “Raw nuts, like almonds, pecans and walnuts, are a great choice,” she says. A 2016 meta-analysis linked higher nut intake with a 19 percent reduction in all-cause mortality and cardiovascular diseases, and an 18 percent decrease in cancer incidence.

Avoid simple carbs. Mostly within soda, cookies and junk food, these cause a surge of insulin release, followed by low bloodstream exhaustion and sugars. Brew a cup of green tea. Steep 1 tablespoon of bagged or loose-leaf tea three to five minutes to increase its polyphenols. Enjoy it hot or cold!